PhD programme
Brief description of the programme
Field of study: 04 – Theology.
Speciality: 041 – Theology.
Object of study: Biblical Theology and Biblical Studies, Dogmatic Theology, Liturgical Theology and Liturgy, Patristic Theology (Patrology), Hagiology and Hagiography, Moral Theology, Pastoral Theology, Apologetic Theology, Church History, Canon Law, Sacred Art, Pastoral Practice, etc.
The aim of the programme is to provide training of highly qualified specialists in the field and in the speciality “Theology”, capable of solving complex problems, conducting original independent scientific research and carrying out scientific and pedagogical activities.
Teaching and education: problem-based learning with the acquisition of competencies sufficient to generate new ideas and solve complex problems in the professional field. Mastering the methodology of scientific work, skills of presenting its results in the state and foreign languages. Conducting independent scientific research. Individual scientific supervision, support and counselling by a supervisor. Acquiring skills of scientific and pedagogical work in higher education.
Suitability for employment: work in relevant positions in organisations, institutions, establishments, associations of citizens, charitable and other similar organisations regardless of ownership and subordination, including religious organisations and educational institutions, which involves scientific research, educational, enlightening, social and practical, expert advisory, representative and mediation, organisational and managerial activities.
Availability of accreditation: The certificate of accreditation of the educational programme 3060 issued by the National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance is valid until 01 July 2027.

Guarantor of the educational programme:
Vice-Rector for Research,
Doctor of Theology, Professor
Archpriest Vitalii Klos